Treatment of the soul is gradual – healing is a process. The time it takes to see an improvement in psychic health varies from person to person and depends on many factors (e.g. the seriousness and duration of the problem, external conditions and changes in client’s life, the client’s level of motivation and commitment). Some clients improve more quickly than others. Some clients feel worse before they start to feel better and this is normally an indication that they are making progress towards long-term improvement [1]. Although treatment of some difficulties may require weeks, other difficulties may require months or years.
International studies show that, on average, 50% of clients have improved after 8 psychotherapeutic sessions, 75% after approximately 26 sessions and 85% after approximately 40 to 50 sessions [2, 3]. Studies have also consistently shown that the more regular and longer psychotherapy is, the more significant and durable are its outcomes [4].
Sources and literature:
- Castonguay, L.G., A common factors approach to psychotherapy training. Journal of Psychotherapy Integration, 2000. 10(3): p. 263.
- Howard, K.I., et al., The dose–effect relationship in psychotherapy. American psychologist, 1986. 41(2): p. 159.
- Kadera, S.W., M.J. Lambert, and A.A. Andrews, How much therapy is really enough?: A session-by-session analysis of the psychotherapy dose-effect relationship. The Journal of psychotherapy practice and research, 1996. 5(2): p. 132.
- Parry, G., Evidence-based psychotherapy: An overview, in Evidence Based Counselling and Psychological Therapies. 2013, Routledge. p. 75-94.